3 Ingredient Avocado Breakfast Pudding


The Amazing Avocado

Factoid for the day: Did you know that Avocado is actually a fruit? It’s considered a single-seeded berry that’s native to Mexico!

Why is the avocado so trendy and popular with the health nuts, hipsters, and foodies of the world? This is why everyone is in love with this magical fruit!

  • Decreases LDL (low density lipoproteins aka. the bad cholesterol). Researchers attribute the results to avocado’s monounsaturated fat content (a type of heart-healthy fat molecule), which may play an important part in lowering elevated cholesterol—a factor in insulin resistance, excess weight, and obesity.
  • Helps to Shrink your Waistline! A diet rich in monounsaturated fat may actually prevent body fat distribution around the belly by down-regulating the expression of certain fat genes.
  • Full of antioxidants to help fight Free Radicals
  • Weight Management: An avocado provides nearly 20 vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients essential for healthy weight management, including 14 grams of satiating fiber and 66 percent (60 micrograms) of your daily need for vitamin K—a nutrient that helps regulate sugar metabolism and insulin sensitivity
  • On top of all of these health benefits, there’s the fact that Avocado tastes amazing!

Here is one of my favorite recipes using Avocado! Yes, it’s the same recipe that Kourtney Kardashian uses 😉 You can use this same recipe and add cocoa powder for a chocolatey dessert.


  • 1 medium, ripe avocado
  • 2 tsp. Manuka Honey
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk

Throw it all in a blender and Enjoy!


Shake it Off

S H A K E off the excess holiday weight and bring on the lean muscle we know is under that fluff!  Our brand NEW It Works S H A K E is HERE and the timing couldn’t be more perfect!! 💗I’ve added this shake into my daily routine to keep me on track to reaching my 2017 health and fitness goals!
It comes in ️flavors, vanilla or chocolate. My current favorite is Chocolate! It satisfies my sweet tooth and stops me from reaching for the cookies and salted caramel chocolates that have been staring me in the face the last week!
🍃100 Calories per Serving
🍃15 grams of complete protein
🍃contains BCAA’s for faster post- workout recovery
🍃Soy-free. Non-GMO. Dairy Free. #Vegan.
🍃0gm of sugar

Who wants to try it today for 40% off?! Click Here to read all about our amazing New Plant Based Protein Shake!

My Favorite Balsamic Vinaigrette


This balsamic vinaigrette is a huge hit in our house! We literally do not use anything else! This recipe tastes delicious, is all natural and saves us money at the grocery store. No need to buy expensive salad dressings when you can make something this delicious from ingredients you already have at home. Some of the so-called “natural and healthy” salad dressings (which aren’t so natural or healthy with all the preservatives) can run you $8 a bottle! Crazy, right?!

This recipe is so easy. Just add all the ingredients below into a salad dressing shaker (even a mason jar works) and shake it up! Next step..enjoy!


My Super Easy 2 Day Cleanse+Detox

Finally….A cleanse that doesn’t consist of keeping me in a state of Hangry for its entirety! It Works Global…my husband thanks you 😉  He has been around for many a juice cleanses and let’s just say, I’m not the nicest gal without food and I’m not even tolerable to be around without carbs.

So, what is a juice cleanse?  A juice Cleanse is where you drink nothing but cold pressed, vegetable and fruit juice for a few days in an attempt to undo/compensate for all the times you said ‘F’ it  and ordered an entire Domino’s pizza just for yourself…with a side of parmesan bites, if we’re being honest! I’ve done the Blue Print Cleanse, Suja Juice Cleanse and all sorts of others and I can tell you right now…THEY WERE MISERABLE! Don’t get me wrong, The juices were delicious, but the whole not eating for 3 days thing is killer!

A step up in dedication from the Juice Cleanse is the Master Cleanse. The Master Cleanse is a modified juice fast that permits no food, substituting tea and lemonade made of maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Sounds delicious, right?!  I personally haven’t tried this one, but my bestie did and on day 2 ended up pulling a dangerous U-turn in the middle of the road and proceeded to dominate a buffet of Chinese Food. True Story! I learned from her and I can say with certainty that I’ll never be giving this one a try. #IloveCarbs

Regardless of how bad I hated cleansing, I found myself signing up over and over for these expensive juice cleanses. Why?!  Because I loved how I felt in the end. My bloating subsided, my skin glowed, my energy levels were off the charts and overall, I felt AMAZING!  It’s a great reset for the body.  However, I remember wishing after each miserable juice cleanse that I could just find a product or program that was easier and more affordable that would give me a similar outcome. Fast forward to February 2016!! The It Works Cleanse is released! I haven’t done a juice cleanse since :).

All I felt on the It Works Cleanse was happy and energized! Crabby, hangry Jackie did not rear it’s ugly head, thankfully for Tim. Let me tell you a bit about this Cleanse.

The It Works Cleanse is gentle, effective and most importantly, can be done while eating a clean, healthy diet! It Works believes in cleansing without depriving the body of food. Yay for that! As you cleanse, 2 different proprietary blends are working to remove toxins while delivering essential nutrients and vitamins back to the body.

  • It Works! Proprietary Herbal Cleanse Blend™: Blue Agave Extract and Aloe Vera Leaf Gel work synergistically to help nourish microflora in your colon while promoting the cellular health of your colon’s cell walls.† Blue Agave Extract with a slow-fermenting, soluble fiber reaches deep into the colon, working as a prebiotic to feed good bacteria and rebalance microflora while slowly cleansing out toxins for a more comfortable cleanse.†
  • It Works! Proprietary Nutritional Cleanse Blend™: Contains an array of 25 foods, botanical extracts, and concentrates that help to support the liver’s detoxification function, while providing a supplemental source of the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fiber, and phytonutrients your body needs.

On top of being gentle (this Cleanse is white pants approved ), it is SOOOOOO Easy! Just 4 bottles and 2 days! I drank one 4 oz bottle in the AM before eating and 1 more 4 oz bottle at night before bed for 2 days. That’s it! Plus, it tastes fruity and delicious!

Check out my results from just 1 round of this Cleanse! I lost over 5 pounds in 48 hours! On top of that though, my bloating and stomach issues are gone, my skin is glowing and my energy levels are off the charts! I give this cleanse 5 stars!IMG_6698

 Want to try this awesome Cleanse for yourself? Click Here

Avocado Pudding

Avocado Pudding



-1 ripe Avocado
-8-10 oz. of milk (I used unsweetened Coconut milk, but Almond or regular milk would be fine too)

–Blend and Enjoy!
You can enjoy this pudding warm or cold.